The fine print:
As per federal law article (18 U.S.C. 2257;
all models within are consenting adults a minimum age of 18. Digital Kinbaku's custodian of records maintains all model releases and proof of age and identity at the primary place of business.
All images & articles within this site are for entertainment purposes only. The creators & contributors assume no responsibility for anyone trying to copy or emulate the artistic situations encountered within. This includes but not limited to physical, mental or situational harm.
If the thought, viewing or actions of consensual bondage between consenting adults is objectionable to you please do not enter. If on the other hand, the erotic image of sexual restraint is your thing, please enter & enjoy.
All information presented to Digital Kinbaku via email or guest book will be used for the sole purpose of keeping you informed of Digital Kinbaku's progress & will NEVER be sold shown or shared with anyone else. "Digital Kin Baku" is our project based on Kinbaku theme. This is a traditional Japanese form of rope bondage which is a kinky BDSM fetish. The term "Kinbaku" means "tight binding," and it is a practice that has both artistic and erotic connotations. Our digital Kinbaku representation includes photography, tutorials, or artistic showcases.
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